Admin – Users with admin access are able to access the admin panel to manage the community. Here you can view manage community members, community channels, community settings and more.
Card – A card is a single section in a content module, which can be made up of multiple cards. Cards can be text, image, video, link, poll, or pdf.
Channel – Channels can be found on the left-hand side of the screen (under All joined channels) are where the content (content modules and courses) resides on the SmartUp platform. Within each channel, content can be further categorised into Streams.
Community – Community refers to the platform that you are accessing in order to learn or create content.
Content module – A content module is a single learning module.
Course – A course is made up of two or more content modules which are designed to be read together. Courses are published in standalone sections in channels.
Channel Manager – A channel manager is a community member who has been assigned to manage a channel. Channel managers can manage content (submissions/existing) and manage channel settings.
Stream – Streams exist within channels and are used to categorise content modules. For example, a channel called "Nutrition" might have streams for "Carbohydrates", "Protein", and "Fat". Each of these streams might then have one or more content modules in each.
User - A user is any individual member of your community. Basically, anyone who can access and consume your content is a user!