The Assessments feature on SmartUp allows community administrators to create structured learning for users in the community.
All communities have access to a trial version of the Assessments feature. As part of the trial, each community administrator can create up to two assessment drafts, and a maximum of two assessments can be published in each community.
To create an assessment, click on the Create new button (located on the upper section of the platform interface.
Next, click on Assessment.
You will be brought to the assessment creation page, which looks like this.
On this page, you will see a few fields which require input before you can submit the assessment. Here's a breakdown of each field.
Assessment Title: This is the title of the assessment and will be what users see when accessing the assessment
Overall passing mark (%): This is the passing mark for the overall assessment across all questions in the assessment. For example, a passing mark of 50% requires half of all questions to be answered correctly before a user is considered to have passed the assessment.
Subsection passing mark (%): Community admins can divide assessments into subsections to split an assessment by topic. For instance, an assessment on health may have different subsections with assessment questions on sleep, nutrition, and exercise respectively. When enabled, this option allows you to set a passing mark for each subsection and can be particularly useful if certain subsections have a higher passing mark than others in the same assessment.
Attempts: This refers to the maximum number of attempts that users will have to take an assessment. Upon using up all attempts, users will have failed the assessment and will not be able to take the assessment again. Community administrators will need to set the number of attempts to at least 1.
Shuffle question order: If the admin would like the order of the questions in the assessment to be shuffled, enable this feature.
Shuffle question option order: If the admin would like the order of the question options in the assessment to be shuffled, enable this feature.
Shuffle subsection order: If the admin would like the order of the subsections in the assessment to be shuffled, enable this feature.
Subsection Name: This refers to the name of each subsection you choose to create in your assessment. There is a minimum of one subsection per assessment and you can create multiple subsections in each assessment.
There is a minimum of 1 question in each subsection you create, and each question requires the question text and at least two options. Assessment questions require you to indicate one correct option.
You are also given an option to change the assessment cover page if you prefer to add an image more suited to your organisation branding guidelines. Click on Change Cover to add a different cover image. The ideal dimensions will be 1690 * 820.
Submitting and Publishing An Assessment
Once you have added all your subsections and questions, you can submit the assessment to a channel of your choice. If you have not met any of the submission requirements e.g. not setting the assessment title, entering the number of attempts etc., you will be prompted to meet the requirements before being allowed to proceed.
An assessment can only be submitted to one channel at once. Additionally, once an assessment has been published in a channel, it cannot be submitted or published to any other channels. However, assessments can be edited and then resubmitted and republished to the same channel.
Editing Assessments
To edit an Assessment, navigate to the My Content page and select the Assessments tab. From there, you will be able to see all previously created Assessments. Hover over the assessment that needs to be edited and click on Edit Draft to begin making any changes.
Once you have made your changes, you can resubmit and republish the assessment into the same channel as before. If you need to submit an assessment to a different channel, you will need to create a new one.
Viewing Assessment Details
To view an assessment's details, click on the drop-down menu (in My Content) and then on View Status. This option allows you to view more information about assessments, including where the assessment has been published and whether an assessment has been declined (with feedback, if any).
Deleting An Assessment Draft
To delete an assessment draft, click on the drop-down menu and then on Delete. Before deleting an assessment, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Do note that if this action will only delete the assessment in My Content. To remove it from the channel, you will have to do so from the Manage Channel page.
If you have any further questions on assessment creation, please reach out to your account manager for more information.
For information on how to manage assessments within a channel, click here.