If there are any assessments that are compulsory for the end-users in your community, you can use the Mandatory function to set a deadline for completion. In this article, you'll learn how to use the Mandatory function.
To set an assessment as Mandatory, navigate to the channel where the piece of assessment is located.
First, click on the Manage button (do note that the Mandatory function is only available to users with Channel Manager access).
Next, depending on whether you want to set an assessment as Mandatory, go to the dropdown on the left and click on Manage Assessments.
Once you have accessed the correct page, hover your cursor over the piece of assessment you want to set as Mandatory and notice the vertical ellipsis icon that appears to the right.
After clicking on the vertical ellipsis icon, click on Configure Mandatory.
You will then be able to enable the feature, which allows you to choose between a fixed or rolling deadline and set the date and time.
Fixed Deadline - Channel manager sets a fixed deadline for all users who have access to the mandatory assessment. Users added to the channel after assessment is set as mandatory will have the same deadline for completion.
Rolling Deadline - Channel manager sets a rolling deadline for users to complete mandatory assessment based on the date they are added to the channel. Existing channel user deadlines will be based on the current date.
Once you have chosen between fixed or rolling deadline, selected the date and the time, click on Confirm. You will now be able to see an assessment marked as Mandatory in their respective sections in the Manage menu. Users who have access to the channel where the assessment will also receive an email notification to let them know that there is new mandatory assessment.
Do note that the time and date has to be set at least 24 hours in advance of the intended deadline. Once an assessment has been set as Mandatory, you can edit the deadline to either
(i) Fixed Deadline - bring it forward or bring it back.
(2) Rolling Deadline - decrease or increase the number of days from joining channel
The assessment will now appear under Assessments in an additional section on the relevant channel.
Users who have not completed the mandatory assessment will receive email reminders and mobile app notifications 30 days, 14 days, 7 days, 3 days, 1 day and 12 hours before the deadline for completion.
Once the mandatory assessment has been completed, users will stop receiving reminder emails. However, the Mandatory section will still remain on the Discover page and within the respective channels until the deadlines for all mandatory assessments have passed.
Once the deadline for mandatory assessment has passed, the assessment will be removed from the Mandatory section.